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Calling all Catholic Men to battle! Wednesday nights, 8-9:30pm at Henry's on 11th St. Starting in January 2021!
Be the first point of hospitality for our parish. Welcoming people into our church!
St. Isidore Music Ministry enriches the liturgical experience of the parish, allowing our community to experience sung prayer and meditation at weekly Mass and other liturgical celebrations.
Families and couples are invited to bring up the offertory gifts at the Mass.
Greeters make people feel welcomed and radiate their joy of Christ to others. All who gather at the table of the Lord do so as sisters and brothers in the Lord. We want to welcome them as such
Lectors have been entrusted with the important task of making the Word of God come alive by proclaiming it for the Christian assembly. EMHCs assist the clergy in the distribution of the Body and Blood at Communion time.
Columbus Catholic Youth Ministry serves all Catholic teens in the Columbus community. This includes GodTeens, Steubenville Conference, Mission Trips & Camps/Retreats and Fundraising events.
"Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God" - Romans 7:15
“The liberating message of the Gospel of Life has been put into your hands… Like the great Apostle Paul, you too must feel the full urgency of the task. This is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel. It is the time to preach it from the rooftops!” - St. Pope John Paul II
The Men of God program uses authentic Catholic teaching videos, followed by small group discussions, where men can interact with other men on important issues of our times, in ways that are not typically discussed in our society.
The mission of Seeking Truth is to build parish life through the communal study of God’s Word. Seeking Truth Bible Study lectures are offered free of charge to any Catholic that wants to grow in their faith and knowledge of God’s word.
Long Term Planning committee looks at the future needs of the church in regards to building, facilities, etc.
The Parish Finance Committee is in charge of the budget and tracking finances for St. Isidore's.
The Parish Council is charged with overall parish pastoral development, and identifying goals and annual objectives of the Parish, with the approval of the Pastor.
Deliver meals to shut-ins with the St. Isidore Parish community.
Upon receiving the Vocation Cross, the individuals or families keep the blessed cross in their home for one week. While they have the cross, they are asked to pray daily for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Experience adoration in a powerful way! Hour of Power is an hour of praise and worship music, talk, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and quiet time for reflection and time with Jesus.
The Church Environment team decorate the church according to the liturgical season. They also play a role in weddings, funerals and other special events happening in the church.
The objective of this ministry is to bring the good news of Christ to the inmates and create opportunities for them to discover His unconditional love and mercy.
Perpetual Adoration is a Eucharistic devotion whereby members of a catholic community unite in taking hours of adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Simon House works to help local families in need by supplying the basic needs of living. They also operate a thrift store at 1853 10th Ave. Volunteers and donations are welcome!
TOUCH is an opportunity for St. Isidore’s members to minister to the needs of the elderly in our community.
The annual Parish Bazaar is held in September with the help of many volunteers.
Adult males volunteer to serve for Funeral Masses at St. Isidore Church whenever needed.
All registered women of our parish comprise the Christian Women group. The women are of all ages working together for the parish making a difference through their time, talents and treasures.
St. Isidore has a number of volunteers to mow the large amount of grounds around the church, school, preschool/daycare and youth/ministry house.
The Landscaping Committee maintains flower beds and landscaping areas to create a beautiful, welcoming environment for parishioners and guests.
Responsibilities include assessing maintenance, repair, and equipment needs of the church, school, daycare and other parish buildings.
For anyone wanting to be a prayer partner on St. Isidore's prayer line.
On Sunday evenings at the Scotus Little Theatre from early January until about mid-March a movie featuring a saint, a soon-to-be saint, or some other Catholic topic is presented.
The Quilting Ladies gather at the basement of the Preschool/Childcare center twice a week: on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
The church and narthex are cleaned weekly by a crew of 6 to 7 volunteers.
All parents at St. Isidore School are considered members of this association. The purpose of this organization is to plan wholesome opportunities for social interaction, to provide funds for school needs, and to promote open communication with faculty, parents, students and the entire community.
A Catholic men’s fraternal organization. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious & social welfare themes while focusing on family, church, and community activities.
Christians Encounter Christ (CEC) weekends are an encounter with Christ which helps to ignite your faith and instill a desire to grow in relationship with Jesus.
Altar servers are a beautiful symbol of reverence and piety in the Mass as they assist the priest in celebration.
We are a lay Catholic ministry that aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love and respect.
Godparents or "Godteens" is the high school youth program serving all 3 Catholic parishes in Columbus. It's focus to help teens to encounter Jesus.