Columbus Catholic
Youth Ministry (CCYM)
Columbus Catholic Youth Ministry is a Tri-Parish Ministry. All junior high and high school youth are part of CCYM. The Catholic parishes in Columbus do not have their own individual youth groups, rather, the primary youth ministry group in Columbus is the Godparent Program. All teens are invited to be part of the Godparent Program. Mission trips, Steubenville conference, March for Life Pilgrimage and fundraising are all part of Columbus Catholic Youth Ministry.
CCYM Team: Sarah Doerneman, Jessica Weeder & Nate Tenopir. Email us at

GodTeens, also known as, Godparents is the primary Catholic youth program in Columbus. High school teens from all three high schools are invited to be part of Godparents. This program has five pillars: Faith, Family, Fun, Friends, Food.
Teens who register are grouped into small groups of 8-10, co-ed. They are placed with a faith-filled Catholic couple who open their home to the group of teens every Wednesday evening from 7-8:30pm. There is an ice breaker, lesson on faith and topics relevant to high school issues and they end the evening with snacks social time. The teens become part of the couple's family as they continue with the same family for the entire 4 years they are in high school.
If interested in being a GodTeen Couple or GodTeen volunteer, please email us at
If you would like to register your teen, registration forms here.
Steubenville Youth Conference REGISTRATION opens in January!
Steubenville conferences, which originated at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, now take place all over the nation reaching over 25,000 high school teens, helping them to Encounter Jesus in a powerful way.
“Steubenville” is a 3 day Catholic youth conference for teens entering their Freshman year in the fall all the way to teens who graduate this May. Teens can attend every year if they choose! Columbus Catholic Youth Ministry attends the conference in Springfield, MO the weekend after the 4th of July every year. To give you a very practical run-down, this is what it looks like:
We leave on Friday morning around 6am after attending a 5:30am Mass (parish TBD). All teens & adults will ride on buses down to Missouri State University (8 hours). We typically have 2-3 busloads! The conference starts that evening at 6pm with keynote speakers, music, praise & worship. The teens are grouped into small groups of 8-10 with 2 adult leaders per small group. They will room with either 1 or 2 roommates. The teens stay on campus all weekend OR a hotel nearby. Saturday is a full day starting with Mass in the MSU arena, speakers throughout the day, there are several breaks for the teens to get into their groups and discuss all they have been hearing.
They also get leisure time to play frisbee, football, spikeball, etc. with their friends. Confession is available all weekend with priests who come from all around the area. Saturday ends with powerful Eucharistic Adoration & amazing music; this tends to be the teen’s “highlight” of the weekend. Sunday we have one last keynote talk & Mass and we hit the road by noon. We get back into Columbus around 9pm.
Steubenville creates an environment for our teens to encounter Jesus in a very real & transformational way. The teens tend to really open their hearts to the Holy Spirit, they go to Steubenville to both be “filled up” & to be re-ignited in their faith! It is quite an experience to do a conference like this with thousands of other teens.*
The cost of the whole trip is approx $350. (Adult Leaders are $300) This covers Friday lunch to Sunday lunch, room, bus & conference. The teens will need to bring money for Sunday supper, we usually stop in St. Joe, MO to grab supper from a fast food restaurant. Parents are invited & encouraged to come! It tends to be equally powerful for our adults!
Please email Sarah at
To learn more about the conference, check out!

Columbus students have been participating in Mission Trips for several years! Hope Nebraska is a week long mission that works with Hope of the Poor and is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Omaha. This mission trip usually happens the first part of June. The mission takes place at the Winnebago reservation here in Nebraska, and also time is spent in Macy, Nebraska. Reservation is not open at this time.
Other ways to get involved and grow in your faith!
Learn more about JC Camp
TEC (Teens Encounter Christ)
March for Life