
Baptisms are celebrated on most Sundays after the 11:00 am Mass for registered families. Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements.
The Godparent's role is very important to their Godchild's continual growth in living and learning the Catholic faith. Since being a Godparent is a serious responsibility, Godparents must meet the following requirements: Baptized, confirmed and an active practicing Catholic, 16 years old or older, not the parent of the child being baptized and if married, in a valid marriage recognized by the Catholic Church. One Godparent is required but if two are chosen, one is to be male and one female.
Contact Parish Office - 402.564.8993

Reconciliation is available on every Friday from 6:30 – 8:00 am and every Saturday from 3:30 – 5:00 pm in our Church and also by appointment. Communal Reconciliation services are offered during Lent and Advent. For dates and times, please refer to the St. Isidore bulletin or our parish website.
Contact Parish Office - 402.564.8993

Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist is available during Masses each day. Please check the St. Isidore bulletin or our parish website for dates and times.
Volunteer Ministers provide Holy Communion to persons that are sick, homebound and hospitalized. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are sent forth each Sunday from the 9:00 am Mass to visit our homebound parishioners with our prayers and blessings and to share the Eucharist. Please call the Parish Offices to arrange home communion visits. Home Communion is also available during First Friday.
Contact Parish Office - 402.564.8993

Confirmation preparation is completed by youth in the seventh and eighth grades. Confirmation is bestowed upon youth in the spring of the eighth grade year. Adults may receive this Sacrament after completing the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Program.
For Students, contact Mary Miksch - 402.564.8993
For Adults (RCIA), contact Parish Office - 402.564.8993

Holy Orders
Holy Orders are special roles within the church. If you're considering a call to the priesthood or the diaconate, please call Fr. Joe Miksch at 402-564-8993. If you are interested in the religious or consecrated life please call the Vocation Office at 402-558-3100.
Contact Fr. Joe Miksch - 402.564.8993 & Archdiocesan Vocations office - 402.558.3100

Matrimony preparation requires time. Couples should contact our parish priest at least 6 months prior to the proposed date to begin the marriage preparation process. Couples will be asked to attend a Marriage Preparation pre-session, complete a FOCCUS inventory and study, attend one of a variety of educational programs and plan the celebration of the wedding liturgy. Couples should contact the Music Ministry Director three months prior to their wedding date for wedding music selection. The Church Decorating coordinator should also be contacted several months in advance.
Contact Parish Office - 402.564.8993
Music Contact, Virginia Semerad - 402.615.0471
Decoration Contact, Jennifer Rickert - 402.910.7090 or

Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick is a healing Sacrament bestowed upon those who are chronically or terminally ill. The special grace of the Sacrament is also offered prior to surgery. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for the Sacrament when needed.