“Serving Our Lord, Serving Our Parish” is the mission of the St. Isidore’s Christian Women, (formerly called the St. Isidore Christian Mothers). All registered women of our parish comprise the Christian Women group. The women are of all ages working together for the parish making a difference through their time, talents and treasures.
The Christian Women serve the parish in many ways. Members are called upon when salads and desserts are needed for funeral dinners at our parish. The parish bazaar meal is also prepared and served by the women. Various fund raisers provide money which is donated to the church and other various church and religious groups.
Christian Women is divided into groups called Circles. The Circles are led by two Circle Leaders who stay in touch with their list of women throughout the year using email, texting or Flocknotes.
Please call with any questions.
Contacts: Jeanine Trofholz, Christian Women Treasurer 402-564-1977 or jeaninetrofholz1@gmail.com
Lisa Lucht, Circle Leader, 402-686-0377
Funeral Dinner Coordinators:
Sandra Rohde, 704-701-8250
Linda Jaixen
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