
Music Ministry

Music Ministries

St. Isidore Music Ministry enriches the liturgical experience of the parish, allowing our community to experience sung prayer and meditation at weekly Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Additionally, we provide for the personal spiritual growth and the musical enrichment of each of our members through their participation in this ministry.

The musical opportunities are listed below. Music Ministry is always open to new members. If you have been thinking about getting involved, now is the perfect opportunity to see if it is right for you.

For more information or to get involved in any of these ministries, please contact Virginia Semerad at 402.615.0471.

Adult Choir

The adult choir is under the direction of Virginia Semerad.  The adult choir ministers
musically at one Mass per month at various Mass times and throughout the liturgical
seasons.  Rehearsals are once a week, during the school year on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.

Cantors and Pianists

St. Isidore's has  cantors and accompanists that lead the music at Saturday & Sunday Masses.  Cantors can lead as a single cantor or in small groups. Accompanists are pianists, guitarists, and organists. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed and always an hour before Mass.

Children and Youth Choirs

The ministry of our youth choirs is to provide music for parish masses, sacraments, and  St. Isidore Elementary school masses.

The Youth choir is open to all students in grades 7-12 and rehearses are an hour before scheduled Mass.

The Children's Choir is open to all students in grades 4-6 and rehearses on Wednesday afternoons from 3:00 - 3:45 p.m.

Other ministries you may be interested in

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