Seeking Truth Bible Study

A 22-week Bible study on Isaiah will start on Wednesday evenings beginning Sept. 14 in the Family room at St. Isidores Two sessions will be offered: 4:30-6pm and 6:15-7:45pm. We will be using Sharon Doran's Seeking Truth video bible series which has been commissioned by the Omaha Archdiocese. Each week consists of a 45-50- minute video and then a small group discussion time to go over questions covered in the week's lesson. During the series we will not meet during holiday weeks. All are welcome! Sign up is taking place during the month of August. Space will be limited. Before and after all weekend Masses on August 20-21, there will be someone available in the narthex at St. Isidores to answer any questions you may have. You are welcome to sign up by contacting Laurie Lange at 4702-564-8053, or Bonnie McPhillips at 402-276-1287,